Most Common Back Pain Problems That Stop You Doing What You Love

Over the years of working with back pain sufferers, there are certain conditions and problems that I treat more than others.

Everyone is different and has their own experiences with back pain, but the most common back pain problems are sciatica and lower back pain.


Sciatica is possibly the most extreme form of back pain that you can experience and can lead to you being unable to walk or even get out of bed.

You’ve probably been told the same ineffective advice from doctors to rest, take painkillers and wait for it to pass. But that just leaves you suffering far longer than you need to be, and does nothing to address the root cause!

Here at Anti-Fragile Physical Therapy my expert team and I can provide fast and effective sciatica pain relief that deals with the root cause and avoids the need for drugs, injections, or surgery so you aren’t worrying about it leaving you helpless again.

Lower Back Pain

The majority of people will struggle with some sort of lower back pain sometime in their life, but just because it is so common, it doesn’t mean that you have to accept it.

Lower back pain can range from a mild soreness that flares up after a tough bike ride to a daily agonizing pain that makes it difficult to sleep, you are unable to keep your regular routine, and a struggle to sit comfortably at the bar.

We understand not only the physical, but the emotional pain this can cause. By treating lower back pain naturally we are here to help you live an active future.